Git Integration app for Atlassian Jira

Git Integration for Jira – View commits, create pull requests and more

Integration for Git Commits, Branches, Tags & Pull Requests in Jira. Connect git servers + GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab & Azure Repos

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Integrate Git with Jira

See commits, pull requests, branches and tags in Jira:

- & Enterprise

- Microsoft Azure DevOps Repos

- Visual Studio Team Services - VSTS + TFS

- & Server

- AWS CodeCommit

- Bitbucket Cloud

- Gerrit

Automate your Jira workflows

Configure DevOps triggers based on commits, branches, and pull requests to streamline your team's Jira workflow through Automation for Jira.

Create branches and pull requests in Jira

Create branches and pull requests in Jira issues. Branch name automatically contains Jira issue key (necessary for linking to Jira) and the issue summary. (not available for Gerrit or plain git repositories)


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