Working as an IT Consultant at STAGIL
[Jira Software], [IT & Software Teams]
We would like to introduce you to Adrien Landecker. Adrien has already been working at STAGIL for 7 years, is an Atlassian consultant and team coach. Adrien is responsible for the team area management of the North German region and organizes the projects together with his teammates.
What do you particularly like about your work at STAGIL?
At STAGIL, I like the diversity, flexibility, and the associated opportunities to shape my everyday life. In classically managed companies, the subject areas are often limited to specific roles - at STAGIL, they make sure that you do what you're good at and what you enjoy. I also like the freedom of time management that STAGIL offers, especially with the home office. Time management at STAGIL is really good, especially with family and co.
What do you like most about your work with customers?
The customers come from different areas, for example from production, mechanical engineering, software development, marketing and other industries. In the collaboration, you come into contact with many processes and you grasp many different procedures. Finally, as an Atlassian consultant, you also have to rethink the associated work processes in Jira so that you can map them there efficiently. This diversity of areas brings a lot of fun with it, and it never gets boring as a result.
How would you rate your work-life balance at STAGIL?
At STAGIL, I have already gone through many time models, which means that we are very flexible. We have many different employment contracts, 40, 35, 36, 25 or 27 hours are possible - so in a way, the employee can "choose" the working hours. Back then, I started as a "single" with 36 hours, then I decided to study part-time, which is why I initially reduced my weekly working hours to 20 hours in order to invest the time more in my studies during the first semesters. In the final stages of my studies, I then increased my hours again to a full-time position of 40 hours. I find it very practical that I can always adapt my working hours to my private life in the way I would like to work.
What impact does your work at STAGIL have on your personal life?
A few months ago, we had a daughter, and I am currently on part-time parental leave, which speaks for our company: At STAGIL, family is a top priority, and if you want to shift down a gear because your priorities in life may change, a solution is found together. That's the experience I've had over the last 7 years at STAGIL.
How would you describe the corporate culture at STAGIL?
I would say "playful, but professional". We are a relatively young team, our average age is 31, and I think it's really great to see how such a young company or team can put so much horsepower on the road in terms of professionalism. At the same time, we have also retained this playfulness and youthfulness, which is especially noticeable in our friendly interaction with each other and at the brilliant team events.
What is your best memory of STAGIL?
For me, it was the very first real corporate event. STAGIL was already 2 or 3 years old when the whole staff including the partners was called together - that was a great feeling. I started at STAGIL as the 4th employee and by that event we were already about 15 employees. Today we are about 70 and growing. Celebrating with that small group back then was a milestone for me that STAGIL had reached back then. But now STAGIL manages to top this again every year!
Thank you, Adrien, for taking the time to do the interview!
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