Jira Align delivers clarity, accountability, and predictability across multi-year, multi-stakeholder programs to ensure mission success

[Jira Align], [DocumentDownload]

Jira Align delivers clarity, accountability, and predictability across multi-year, multi-stakeholder programs to ensure mission success

Transformation starts with connected teams

Get real-time status and visibility

Aggregate team-level data to make outcomes, outputs, and costs visible across your program in real-time, down to the task level.

Scale-up collaboration without slowing teams down

Link people, work, and time across every level of the organization—from strategy-setting to team shipping. Proactively manage cross-team dependencies to improve your ability to deliver predictably.

Continuously track progress against strategic outcomes

Connect strategic program investments with mission value and leverage rich visualizations to evaluate alignment against agency goals and milestones.

The future of government program management

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